About Company

ACROAMATIC MICRO FINANCE is a registered Micro Finance Institution (MFI) established in the year 2014 , for the purpose of collateral free small ticket size lending to the lower and weaker section of the society in order to promote the self employment among the weaker section of the society , the second major objective is to encourage the Women self-employment in different sectors especially women in rural areas by creating self help groups. The purpose is the ensure the funding to the last level so that the smaller business also get an opportunity to grow themselves The another purpose is to cater the challenge of the unemployment in the society and create awareness for self employment among the society

During Past years the ACROAMATIC has been run and operated
by many of the people at different locations but nothing significant was has been achieved hence the previous Directors have decided to transfer the company to the present much more experienced and qualified team hence the Management of the company is now being managed by the highly equipped new team with an objective to do something big and noticeable in the MFI segment

The present team is much more knowledgeable and experienced with relevant experience in the MFI segment and the new Directors are keen to deliver and aim to take Acroamatic to a new heights