The Government of India has introduced MSME or Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in agreement with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act of 2006. These enterprises primarily engaged in the production, manufacturing, processing, or preservation of goods and commodities.

Across the globe, MSMEs are accepted as a means of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. They are known to generate the highest rate of growth in the economy. MSMEs have driven India to new heights through requirements of low investment, flexible operations, and the capacity to develop appropriate native technology.

AML understands that managing financial health is one of the most important needs of a Business. An enterprise requires funds to manage its working capital requirement as well as addition / replacement of capital assets. Asirvad Micro Finance Limited provides loans to Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing, Service, Trading and Agri-Allied activities to meet the above requirement.